学生组织 & 社会



Make lasting friendships, give back to the community, and build your leadership skills! We are currently revamping many of our organizations on campus and are excited to bring you an updated list of organizations coming soon! 如果你有兴趣加入一个组织, 或者想要一个当前校园组织的列表, 请与克里斯蒂娜 Parle联系 克里斯蒂娜.Parle@whxykj.net.



学生参议院 works to maintain and improve the rights and general welfare of the students, stimulate and promote support among students for policies beneficial to their interests, and strengthen understanding and communication between students and the University.


The A Team is the student-led programming organization that plans campus events for students. The A Team events vary from semester to semester but always aim to enhance the collegiate experience by providing the University community with opportunities for growth through educational, 文化, 社交和娱乐经历. 我们带来了系列讲座, 沉默的迪斯科, 喜剧演员, 音乐家, 系列电影, DIY项目, 还有校园游戏. Most events are free to Avila students with a valid student I.D.


为艺术家们创造一个安全、友好的社区, 激发经济增长, 社会互动, and lifelong friendships among members throughout their years at Avila and beyond.   

Collegiate 十 provides our members opportunities for both personal and professional growth through leadership development, 社区参与和竞赛活动. Our conferences help provide members unique access to internships, 奖学金和专业网络.”


SSWA provides the opportunity for students to eng年龄 in social work endeavors outside of the classroom. Students participate in social justice-oriented service and advocacy activities in the community, as well as participate in wellness initiatives and service on Avila’s campus. 这个组织是包容性的, and gives all students regardless of major or year in school the opportunity to connect, 合作, and participate without having to pay a fee or have an attendance requirement. 这个组织是由社会工作专业的学生管理的.


Contributes to nursing- education in order to provide the highest quality health care. Provides 项目 representative of fundamental and current professional interest and concerns.


We aspire to create a community for Avila’s cybersecurity and computer science majors. Our goals are made up of having club members excel in cybersecurity/computer science classes and learning much more.


Come together to explore and appreciate various facets of human culture, 社会, 人类的经验. (Ie. discuss books or movies — and get people together with the same likes.




SOL also seeks to foster and empower existing Latino identities on campus in an effort to celebrate and strengthen the Latino community at Avila University. 要做到这一点, SOL will plan and organize 文化ly relevant events, 项目, 和计划, 这可能包括庆祝活动, 与校园内的其他组织合作, 一般团体会议, 以及其他教育机会. 这样做的时候, SOL hopes to build leadership skills among its members and empowering them to continue SOL’s mission after graduating from Avila University.


给学生一个社交的机会, 屏幕电影, and create projects with each other outside of the classroom.


买球, our 国际学生协会 is a community where students from diverse cultures gather together. We address issues and conflict with open communication and find a way to resolve them. Our events reflect the traditions and arts of our respective countries. Our collaboration with other associations at Avila also helps in building connections.


The 黑人学生会 (BSU) is an organization dedicated to unify black students on campus by providing services and events that address the needs and concerns of all students of African descent.



Break down barriers between students from all different co-cultures and backgrounds to establish a feeling of interconnectedness and unity among peers and in our community. Seek ways to give back to the community allow students to speak in a safe place to voice their opinions on social matters that are important to them and have open discussions.


NSLS的存在是为了承认, 培养, 和荣誉领袖,同时使持久, 世界的积极变化. We strive to help members discover and achieve their goals, and we provide real-world experience that helps ensure our members have the best opportunity to achieve success in their future.

Sigma Lambda

Sigma Lambda is a national honor 社会 for adult undergraduate students. 阿维拉的章, Alpha Alpha Pi will recognize academically outstanding students who meet the 社会’s membership requirements

Enhance academic excellence in the health science and promote civil responsibility.

Beta Beta Beta

Enhance academic excellence in the health science and promote civil responsibility.

Psi Chi/心理学俱乐部

我们有双重目的. Psi Chi is an international honor 社会 in psychology, whose mission is to recognize and promote excellence in the science and application of psychology. 阿维拉有一个Psi Chi分会超过40年了. In order to expand the reach of our organization beyond those students who qualify for the honor 社会, 我们也有心理学俱乐部, open to all students who are interested in Psychology. The purpose of Psychology Club is to expand knowledge and opportunities about psychology to the wider campus, 为开云服务, 并为学生提供社交/网络活动.
